Macabre Volume One

Edited by Jack Adrian

Jacket art is by Rob Suggs

ISBN: 9781553103080; 143pp; Published February 13, 2013

Original Price: N/A

Amazon Kindle

For Macabre Volume One eBook publication, Ash-Tree Press combined contents of annual volumes 1997, 1998, 1999 into a single publication. Ash-Tree Press Macabre Volume One is the first of these.

In this volume are gathered sixteen genuinely macabre stories from such magazines as Weekly Tale Teller, the 20 Story Magazine, Pearson's Weekly, and many others.

  • A Wedding Day by Patricia Wentworth
  • The Swaying Vision by Jessie Douglas Kerruish
  • The Visitor by Carola Oman
  • The House of the Laburnums by Mollie Panter-Downes
  • The House That Was Lost by Tom Gallon
  • Tight and Loose by Neil Gow
  • The Man Who Was Tomorrow by Eric Ambrose
  • Newsreel by W.J. Makin
  • Time-Piece by Donald Shoubridge
  • Last Act First by Laurence Meynell
  • Told in the Inn at Algeciras by W. Somerset Maugham
  • Post-Mortem by Arthur Ransome
  • The Medium's End by Ford Madox Ford
  • Exactly As It Happened by E.C.Bentley
  • The Unpleasant Room by Hilaire Belloc
  • Ho! The Merry Masons by John Buchan
  • Sources