Written by E. F. Benson
Dust Jacket illustration by Richard Lamb
Limited to 600 copies
ISBN: 1-899562-81-8; xx + 155pp; Hardcover; Published September 17, 1999
Original Price: C$51.00 / US$39.00, £24.00
The Ash-Tree Press 'Collected Spook Stories' of E.F. Benson, under the editorship of Jack Adrian, now brings together all of E.F. Benson's known tales of the strange and supernatural into a five-volume set. This collected edition will present all the recently discovered weird tales from The Flint Knife: Further Spook Stories (1988), and those from the 'Spook Stories' sections of Desirable Residences (1991) and Fine Feathers (1994), as well as any 'new' supernatural stories which may surface in the course of further research. It will also feature a radical rearranging of the stories themselves into their chronological order of composition and publication.
The Passenger—the second volume in the series—covers the period between 1912 and 1921, and includes the famous 'The Room in the Tower'. Half the material has only been discovered over the past twenty years, and was published in The Flint Knife, while three of the stories were included in the 'spook stories' section of the ultra-rare volume The Countess of Lowndes Square (1920).